Course Programme

8.30 - 9.00: Registration and Coffee

9.00 - 12.30: Morning Session (Lectures) in the Postgraduate Education Centre, Level 1, QE Hospital (see directions tab)

9.00 - 10.00

  1. ENT Foreign Bodies
  2. Hearing Loss
  3. Sinusitis & periorbital cellulitis
  4. Nasal trauma

10.10 - 11.10 + Break

  1. Pharyngeal and oesophageal foreign bodies
  2. Airway emergencies
  3. Epistaxis
  4. Tonsillitis & quinsy

11.20 - 12.30

  1. Facial nerve palsy
  2. Acute Suppurative Otitis Media & Mastoiditis
  3. Acute Otitis Externa
  4. Post-op Complications

12.30 - 1.30: Lunch (Provided)

1.30 - 5.30: Afternoon Session (Practical stations) (ENT outpatients area 2)

Participants will rotate through all stations with a mid-afternoon refreshment break.

The following skills will be covered:


  1. Supervisor demonstration & laryngeal anatomy walk-through
  2. Participants to perform under direct supervision (voluntary)

Ear Examination

  1. Otoscopic examination & diagnosis
  2. Examination under microscope and microsuction skills

Oral Cavity Examination & Airways

  1. Oral examination & Quinsy drainage
  2. Surgical Airway - Tracheostomy management & changing tubes
  3. Surgical Airway - Emergency anterior neck access

Epistaxis Management

  1. Nasal cautery & anterior packing
  2. Posterior packing


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